Friday, April 4, 2008

The Sun is (Not) Shining (in Nashville)!

But it is still an absolutely perfect day to do something BIG (or small)...


Anonymous said...

The sun is not shining in Boston either! But I've noticed that several people have already gone out of their way to do nice things today. In addition to helping me recognize opportunities to give that I might have previuosly missed, I'm thankful for Go BIG because it has helped to increase my awareness of all the kind and selfless things that the people around me do on a daily basis.

Aim said...

The sun is shining in CA for now, although I hear April showers are on the way.

Today, I sent out "just because" cards to my friends that don't live close by. Snail mail is always exciting these days.

KS said...

Today I wrote my senator and representative to advocate for dogs. Oprah just did a piece on puppy mills. Though I didn't watch it, I have known about these cruelties too long without taking any action, so today I did and thought of you (and all our dogs!)

Jenni said...

Went to the recycling center today. It is so cathartic to smash glass bottles and you get to help the environment. What a deal!

Kindness received: this is actually from yesterday...I worked a great person who is going to help us get business cards started for Get ready for this thing to get even bigger...

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with AIM. Although e-mail and IMing are easy and convenient, there is something special about receiving a card or letter from someone special. I sent a letter to my daughter. She should get it early next week. I try to send cards for every holiday and for no special reason to an elderly neighbor who moved away. It matters when you let people know you love them.

Lynette said...

Yesterday I spent the day volunteering at an event "AWAKE for Youth." It's a movement of young people looking to, quite frankly, change the world. I post more information as it becomes available.

Also, I donated money to Nashville's NPR station this morning. If you listen, please considering making a donation - WPLN is one of the few NPR stations that doesn't get any funding other than private donations.

Anonymous said...

Someone in my lab agreed to switch assessment days with me to help me avoid a scheduling conflict.

Aim said...

Over the weekend I had about 10 loads of laundry to do... it had been awhile.

I grabbed the laundry machine at our apartment building early in the morning in hopes of holding on to it for the beginning of the day. After two loads I noticed that my neighbor had brought in a small laundry basket, so instead of hording the machine like I wanted to, I knocked on her door and offered to let her put her load in between mine. I know it wasn’t “big” but hopefully it helped her.

Anonymous said...

Spent yesterday morning at the Rabbi's office. What a kind man he is, offering his guidance in the most gentle manner. Our act of kindness was in hanging paintings to increase the beauty in his office. Thereby improving his environment, so that he can touch even more lives.

Glad to see you posting Jen
Aunt Tar

Unknown said...

These were a few days ago: Last week during the rainy days, I parked to head in to work. A man parked a few spaces down from me, smiled, said hello, then started to walk towards his building. I then noticed he had left his window down on his car. (It wasn't raining yet) I pointed it out to him, and hopefully saved his car from getting rained in later in the day. He was very thankful!
Also, a few days ago, I gave Emily the rest of my M&Ms from the Easter bunny because it was late in the day and she really wanted some chocolate.

Anonymous said...

a stranger on the elevator this morning flashed me a huge smile and told me to have a good day before getting off at her stop this morning. it was just the boost i needed on an early day that i realllly wanted to sleep in.

Unknown said...

I called my brother out of the blue to wish him a good day....this is a rarity in our family, but it felt really great to surprise him with a happy hello..and to hear his voice!

priscilla said...

Yesterday I came home to a clean and shiny apartment thanks to my roommate's hard work on it. I was very thankful for that. And today, I came back from work and noticed a big pile of dirty dishes. Even though most of them weren't mine, I didn't mind washing them and I think it helped out my roommate who had a big paper to write for her class. :)

Shelly B said...

I surprised my friend and her family with an al fresco dinner last night. My husband cleaned up the kitchen for me afterward so that I could work even though he also had a lot of work to do.

Anonymous said...

Our dog, Cooper, has run into a few medical issues of late and the vet has gone out of her way to be helpful, calling us with frequent updates and patiently answering our million questions. It has made a big difference to us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni!
I pray that your recovery is speeding along.
I've had lots of opportunities to be on the giving and receiving end of kindnesses in the past week.
I volunteered to work on the third Habitat house being sponsored by our church on Saturday and Sunday.
I help put up siding,did lots of painting on the inside and helped install all the kitchen cabinets.
I'm in the process of altering a few uniforms for a co-worker who has lost a lot of weight.
A group of ladies from our church brought breakfast and lunch for all the Habitat workers.
Another co-worker switched work days with me so I could attend a meeting.
I agree with Kat. This blog has made me more aware of all the good things people do just because they care about others.

Aim said...

I made a donation to Idol Gives Back. $20 provides a day's worth of hot meals and snacks for 3 kids in the US feeding program - can you believe it!

Thanks, Jenni, for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone
I am hoping all the prayers and good thoughts that worked miraculously for Jenni can also work for my friend Gillian. She doesn't know Jenni but prayed for her and had her church pray as well. She just discovered a lump in her breast and is very scared. Hasn't had it checked out yet but can we please pray and send good thoughts her way that whatever it is, it can be handled.
Thanks so much.

Aim said...

Yesterday, I dropped off a bag of clothing for donation.

Kindness received: Got a hand-me down toilet to replace our broken one and it came with installation!

Unknown said...

Today at Frothy Monkey someone came to share a table with me so that we both didn't have to move to uncomfortable single tables, but could share a comfy booth. :)

Anonymous said...

Saw a great opportunity for all of us to give back to those in uniform. If we see someone in uniform at an eatery...offer to buy his/her meal as a gesture of Thanks.

Aunt Tar

Lauren said...

I have been making sure to always hold the elevator and to get off on an off floor and walk the stairs so as not to make the elevator stop too much. Also have been giving my seat in the train thinking of Jenni. I'm used to standing now! I have been running around the track by my house and people play soccer on the infield. The ball always comes to where I can just reach it if I run really fast and exert myself alot to stop it. I NEVER try to stop it because I am already too tired but I have been trying to think about doing nice things so I am happy to report that I now stop the ball for them and kick it back :)

My Vision for Go Big!

On March 7, 2008 my life got turned upside down.  I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a brain tumor which was so not on my to do list!  Equally unexpectedly, I had neurosurgery on March 20 and the results of the biopsy indicated that the tumor was benign.  Thank God!  Along this journey, I have taken solace in the fact that this is a huge opportunity for us all.

I am a clinical psychology doctoral student at Vanderbilt University.  For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to make a huge difference in the world.  For a couple of days, I actually feared that I had wished this scary and chaotic experience on myself and my loved ones, but then I was reminded that "life prepares life" and it all started making a bit more sense.

In a whirlwind of pre-operative appointments, Dr. Kyle Weaver, my neurosurgeon, told me that I should "hold onto my blood" which was a huge blow to me as I try to be a regular blood donor.  Without skipping a beat, however, my advisor, Dr. Bruce Compas, made me an offer to "pick up the slack" which I believe was the impetus for this whole GO BIG challenge as it struck me then that perhaps we can all be doing just a little more.

As a person who hopes to make a profession and a life of helping children and families, I'm committed to helping others in the best way I know how.  Consistently, I work with parents and children teaching them to praise the good and ignore the bad.  Not my idea, but it is a behavioral principle that works.  Now, don't get me wrong--I'm not blind to the evil in this world.  In fact, I'm struck by our culture's fascination with drama, hurt, despair, and scandal.  It absolutely blows my mind that these negatives suck so much of our attention that we can relatively easily forget all of the 1000's acts of kindness that are going on right this very minute.  

My hope is that this website can be a central location for all of us to capture all of the really awesome things that we are already doing and that we can all be inspired by each other's goodness.  It's not an original or courageous idea (although some have called it that), it is just an opportunity to do something that I've always wanted to do.  And, I'll bet that if I'm anything like you, I'm just doing the best that I can in this moment.  Sometimes that means that I offend people.  We are all imperfectly perfect and I know that that is where the true beauty lies.

There are no absolute rules because I couldn't possibly predict the creative and imaginative ways that we can each help one another.  Well, that's a lie.  There is really just one rule:  do what you feel in your heart!  Try not to feel like what you do doesn't matter.  It does!  If you don't believe me, read the postings for yourself and see what you think.  To somebody in that moment, you will have made a difference and for that I am eternally grateful.

So if you feel it in your heart or your head or whatever pushes you to act, try to do something.  Nothing is too small and nothing is too big.  Just put one foot in front of the other, and if you wish, take a risk.

Overwhelmed with a sea of emotions and an outpouring of support from our community, Austin, the love of my life, and I have felt so very blessed.  I believe that there is always meaning out there in this precious world of ours, sometimes you just have to squint to find it.  This past several weeks has been a truly rock ride and my guess is that life always will be.  So, step aboard if you are up for the challenge and let's see how far we can get this good to spread.

With great gratitude,